Episode 7: Interview with Online Small Group Scoliosis Coaching Members (Shruti and Carolina)


This is an interview with two members of the Scoliosis Strength Collective who have completed their first 6 months in the program.  They answer some of these questions and more...

1) Where they were with their scoliosis before they joined the Collective

2) What made you decide to sign up for the Collective?

3) What are some tangible results they have gotten from the Scoliosis Strength Collective?

4) What has been an unexpected result from the program?

5) What would they tell someone on the fence about enrolling in small group scoliosis coaching/the Scoliosis Strength Collective?

Are you interested in joining the Scoliosis Strength Collective?  Schedule a FREE discovery call here.

Learn more about scoliosis therapy here.

Get my BEST Sleep Positions for Scoliosis FREEBIE here.


Episode 8: Awareness is the first step to change


Episode 6: 3 Questions to Ask Heading Back to School with Scoliosis