Episode 6: 3 Questions to Ask Heading Back to School with Scoliosis


3 questions to ask heading back to school with scoliosis so you and your child are well prepared to enter the new school year to keep the Scolio-spine as happy as possible.

Here is the link to watch the small group coaching interview.

Here are the links to find a local scoliosis specialist:  https://www.schroth-barcelonainstitute.com/scoliosis-certified-physical-therapists-usa.html and www.OsteoPilates.com

Are you interested in working together on your scoliosis with scoliosis-specific Pilates?  Schedule a FREE discovery call here.

Learn more about scoliosis therapy here.

Get my BEST Sleep Positions for Scoliosis FREEBIE here.


Episode 7: Interview with Online Small Group Scoliosis Coaching Members (Shruti and Carolina)


Episode 5: How to Find Your Scoliosis Corrections