In Person Scoliosis Treatment in Bluffton, SC

1-on-1 Physical Therapy


If you’re tired of going to traditional physical therapy or worry you aren’t getting the attention and care you deserve, 1-on-1 treatment is an excellent solution. Free yourself from the self-perpetuating cycle of pain and limited movement. Learn how to teach your muscles to “switch on” and put your body back into a state of optimally functioning balance quickly and effectively. 


A thorough 1-on-1 assessment will be carried out to identify your goals and tailor your treatment plan. Your exercise program can involve the use of specialist equipment such as Pilates trapeze tables, dumbbells, therabands, kettlebells, foam rollers, and swiss balls. Your clinician will also choose manual therapy techniques that may include dry needling appropriate to your condition to alleviate pain and optimize function.


Results are often instantaneous. From the first session, you will begin to feel improvements in pain, balance, stability, and control. Strength will develop through consistent practice. In the longer-term, you will experience a greater capacity to function and perform in daily life.


Maximizing the benefits of this treatment will require patience and commitment. It is easy to get carried away with pushing for results, but over-doing it often results in injury. The key is working with your therapist to learn your own boundaries and identify appropriate milestones.