Episode 4: Elongation and How I Feel About Inversion Tables for Scoliosis


Today we are talking about elongation, why it's important for your scoliosis, and what forms of elongation you want to stay away from if you don't want to end up with a back spasm! 

Are you interested in working together on your scoliosis with scoliosis-specific Pilates?  Schedule a FREE discovery call here:  https://schedulethescoliotherapist.as.me/

Learn more about scoliosis therapy here:  https://mindfulmovementptpilates.com/scoliosis-therapy
Get my BEST Sleep Positions for Scoliosis FREEBIE here.


Episode 5: How to Find Your Scoliosis Corrections


Episode 3: Are You Breathing in a Way That Feeds Your Curve or Counters Your Curve?