Does Scoliosis Get Worse With Age?

The simple answer to this is yes.  If you live life and do nothing for your body, your scoliosis will get worse as you age.  I know.  Brutal right?  Well not really.  If you do nothing for your body as you age everything will get worse.  Your balance, strength, posture, arthritis, any disease, left to its own devices, will get worse as you age.


However, scoliosis curves tend to progress much less in those who participate in a general strength training program.  A body that is strong will hold you in a more aligned posture naturally.  Your muscles will pull toward midline and will help you avoid falling into your curves.  A scoliosis specific strength training program is even better!  (Ask me about this).  After learning the specifics of your curve and how to autocorrect your posture, you will strength train in this newly aligned posture.


Another consideration is sitting and resting posture.  If you sit and rest in your curves all day every day, they will get worse.  Gravity will pull you further into those curves stretching your muscles and ligaments and exaggerate your scoliosis.  However, if you lift and elongate out of your curves throughout the day while sitting at the desk, driving to work, and standing to cook your meals, you will be better off.  This helps to reduce your scoliosis and takes the compression and pressure out of your curves.  It also unloads your muscles and ligaments minimizing your curve.


Other things that CAN contribute to scoliosis getting worse with age:  childbirth, menopause, osteoporosis, trauma, and repeated end-range movements (ex: yoga twists and backbends).  


Do you want to be equipped with the tools to prevent your scoliosis from worsening as you age?  Let’s see if you would be a good fit for the Scoliosis Strength Collective:


3 questions to ask heading back to school with scoliosis


Can Scoliosis Be Fixed?