Can Scoliosis Be Fixed?

I had an infuriating conversation with my friend this morning who is a fellow physical therapist.  She was at a follow-up appointment with her orthopedic doctor and was telling him about my work with people who have scoliosis.  His reply?  “I don’t know why people try to do anything for scoliosis.  It isn’t the reason people have pain.”  


When she told me that I wanted to scream.  This doctor (up to this point) was someone I respected and felt manages patient’s pain well.  The poor education and awareness surrounding scoliosis runs deep!  The change needs to happen at the medical school level.  Solid research studies show repeatedly the benefits of performing scoliosis specific exercise to improve pain levels, self-esteem, strength and reduce curve progression in those with scoliosis.  


The current standard in medicine is to “wait and see” if the curve progresses.  That stops today and it stops with me.  As a little girl diagnosed with scoliosis, I WISH I had known that there was help for me. I wish I had known there was an option other than sitting and crossing my fingers, hoping that my curve didn’t get worse.


At any age, you can make improvements with your scoliosis.  Scoliosis specific exercise retrains your muscles to pull your curve into a more optimal alignment.  That optimal alignment alleviates compression that causes nerve impingement, disc hernations, stenosis, and breakdown of your vertebrae.  


That is why people try to do something for their scoliosis.  Because it works.  If your doctor is telling you otherwise…. They are wrong.

Click the link below to start working on your scoliosis today!


Does Scoliosis Get Worse With Age?


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