Episode 11: Can Scoliosis Rib Hump Be Reduced Part 2


This is part 2 of episode 10. Last week, we talked about the lifestyle factors and tips that can help reduce your rib prominence. If you haven’t listened to episode 10 yet, check it out first to understand this episode better.

You’ll learn three exercises that reduce a rib prominence.

If you are someone who has scoliosis or if you know someone who has it, share this episode so they can equip themselves with information about how to treat their scoliosis. We are all advocacy and self-confidence!

Are you interested in working together on your scoliosis with scoliosis-specific Pilates?  Schedule a FREE discovery call here.

Learn more about scoliosis therapy here.

Get my BEST Sleep Positions for Scoliosis FREEBIE here.


Episode 13: Why is corrective scoliosis exercise important before and after surgery?


Episode 10: Can Scoliosis Rib Hump Be Reduced?