Top 3 Things to Know About Scoliosis

As we get ready to enter a new year, I’ve been thinking a lot about mindset and quality of life. One of the things I’ve found as I work with my clients is that knowledge and information can make a significant difference when it comes to quality of life. So as we get ready for 2024, I’m covering the top three things that I want people to know about scoliosis.

These are things that I wish I had known growing up. And while I would have liked to know these things earlier in my own life, I also believe it’s never too late to learn. So whether you have scoliosis yourself or have a loved one with scoliosis, I hope these facts give you hope and a positive mindset going into the new year.

Scoliosis Fact #1: Your Body Can Do Anything

Our bodies are amazing — capable of so much! And it’s important to remember that, especially if your scoliosis diagnosis came with a list of restrictions and things that you “shouldn’t” do. 

I’ve heard from so many people who had a doctor tell them they could never…

  • Lift anything more than 10 pounds

  • Rotate their spine

  • Strength train (squat, deadlift, etc.)

  • Bend forward to pick something up

And while many of these rules may come from a place of good intentions, they can sometimes be more harmful than beneficial. For some people, rotating, bending, or lifting weights may increase pain or encourage curve progression.

However, blanket restrictions often miss a lot of nuance. And the truth is that many people with scoliosis can do all the things on that list safely — as long as those movements aren’t the main focus of their exercise routine.

Mid-range rotation, bending over, lifting things — all of these are movements that most of us can safely do every day. As long as they aren’t causing significant pain or noticeable changes in your curve, these movements are fine in moderation.

In short, if anyone (even a healthcare professional) tells you that you can never do something because of your scoliosis, I’d encourage you to question that advice. Listen to your body and give it the chance to succeed. Any advice that encourages a completely sedentary lifestyle probably isn’t the best advice.

Scoliosis Fact #2: Your Care Plan Doesn’t Have to Look Like Anyone Else’s

There are so many options when it comes to scoliosis care:

Those are just a few of the available treatment methods — there are many others. And the most important thing is to choose the one that works best for you. Whichever method helps you feel the best in your body is the right method for you — even if it isn’t the same treatment approach that works for someone else with scoliosis.

When you’re choosing a scoliosis care plan, find something that you enjoy and that you feel like you’ll tolerate well for a long time. If you try a treatment management option that doesn’t feel good for you, don’t just give up! Try out a different approach to see if that works better. 

Maybe you didn’t enjoy yoga for scoliosis but Pilates feels great to you — or vice versa. The key is to find an approach that helps you build strength, improve your alignment, and support your curve effectively.

Children with scoliosis

What if your child has been diagnosed with scoliosis? You might have heard that your child shouldn’t play sports or be active. But I’d recommend a different approach.

I’d encourage you to help your child find a sport or activity that keeps them active and that they enjoy. An active lifestyle can help slow curve progression. And it can help your child build healthy habits they can keep as they grow up.

Scoliosis Fact #3: Your Curve Isn’t Set in Stone

So many people get a scoliosis diagnosis that comes with fear-based warnings about their curve progressing. But if your curve can get worse at any age, it can also get better at any age!

The change in your curve doesn’t have to be negative! As you learn your corrections and understand more about your curve, you can give your body the tools it needs to change your curve in a positive direction. No matter how young or old you are, there’s the possibility to change your curve for the better.

Looking for Scoliosis Care?

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to find a care approach that feels good for your body. Feeling good about your treatment can help you maintain a positive mindset and improve your overall quality of life.

If you’re looking for a new approach to your care, make sure you’re signed up for my newsletter. In a few weeks, I’ll be sending information about Open Enrollment. You’ll have the chance to save money on some of my virtual Pilates for scoliosis coaching programs. 

And if you want to stay up-to-date on key scoliosis topics, listen to my podcast, Ahead of the Curve. Subscribe to get every episode when it airs!

Resources Mentioned


My New Year’s Resolutions for Scoliosis Care (and More)


Can a Chiropractor Help With Scoliosis?