3 Best Exercises for Scoliosis Pain

I get pain from my scoliosis sometimes.

Whaaat?? You say.  But you’re a scoliosis specialist, you shouldn’t get pain you say.

I do!  After sitting too long, lifting things awkwardly, even after running sometimes my back feels pretty cranky.

Here are my go-to’s when that happens.  

No aggressive stretches or twists.

1. Standing Elongation w/Tail Wags:  

  • Hold onto something higher than shoulder height

  • Reach hips back away from hands

  • Wag hips gently side to side

2. Elongation on Stomach over Bolster or Pillow

  • Lie on stomach with supportive bolster or pillow under hips

  • Breathe and allow muscles to relax in position

  • Stretch arms and legs out into “x” position

  • Pull stomach up toward spine to lengthen lower back

3. Mini Tucks and Tilts

  • Lie on your back with a wedge if you have them

  • Relax glutes and use as little muscle force as possible

  • Inhale and MINI tilt pelvis forward

  • Exhale and MINI tilt pelvis backward

Try these out and let me know what you think!  What is your favorite exercise to do when your back is cranky?

Are you looking for a specialist to guide you on your scoliosis journey?  Someone who will give you a roadmap for how to bring your spine to neutral and live more freely with less pain?  Join the Scoliosis Strength Collective from anywhere in the world!  Let’s chat and see if it’s a good fit to work together😊


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